Junqin Huang

Update in Sept. 2024
Research Assistant Professor (助理研究员) in SCSE, SJTU
Intelligent Network and Trusted Computing Laboratory (INTCL)
Lab Director: Prof. Linghe Kong

  junqin.huang@sjtu.edu.cn; me@huangjunqin.com
  Google Scholar
  Chinese CV (中文简历)

Research Interests: Blockchain, Internet of Things, Data Security, Trusted Computing

Junqin Huang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2020 - 2024

Ph.D., Computer Technology
Advisor: Professor Linghe Kong

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2018 - 2020

M.E., Computer Technology
Advisor: Professor Linghe Kong

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2014 - 2018

B.E., Computer Science and Technology

📚Selected Publications
  • [IEEE TIFS] Conditional Privacy-Preserving Multi-Domain Authentication and Pseudonym Management for 6G-Enabled IoV [pdf] [bibtex]
      author = {Cheng, Guanjie and Huang, Junqin and Wang, Yewei and Zhao, Jun and Kong, Linghe and Deng, Shuiguang and Yan, Xueqiang},
      title = {Conditional Privacy-Preserving Multi-Domain Authentication and Pseudonym Management for 6G-Enabled IoV},
      year = {2023},
      journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security},
      volume = {},
      number = {},
      pages = {1-15},
    Guanjie Cheng, Junqin Huang, Yewei Wang, Jun Zhao, Linghe Kong, Shuiguang Deng, Xueqiang Yan
  • [ACM TOSN] Secure Data Sharing over Vehicular Networks Based on Multi-Sharding Blockchain [pdf] [bibtex]
      author = {Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Wang, Jingwei and Chen, Guihai and Gao, Jianhua and Huang, Gang and Khan, Muhammad Khurram},
      title = {Secure Data Sharing over Vehicular Networks Based on Multi-Sharding Blockchain},
      year = {2024},
      journal = {ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks},
      volume = {20},
      number = {2},
      articleno = {31},
      numpages = {23},
      doi = {10.1145/3579035}
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Jingwei Wang, Guihai Chen, Jianhua Gao, Gang Huang, Muhammad Khurram Khan
  • [IEEE TMC] BlockSense: Towards Trustworthy Mobile Crowdsensing via Proof-of-Data Blockchain [pdf] [bibtex] [video]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Cheng, Long and Dai, Hong-Ning and Qiu, Meikang and Chen, Guihai and Liu, Xue and Huang, Gang},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing}, 
      title={BlockSense: Towards Trustworthy Mobile Crowdsensing via Proof-of-Data Blockchain}, 
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Long Cheng, Hong-Ning Dai, Meikang Qiu, Guihai Chen, Xue Liu, Gang Huang
  • [IEEE Network] Blockchain-based Federated Learning: A Systematic Survey [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Xiang, Qiao and Chen, Xi and Liu, Xue},
      journal={IEEE Network}, 
      title={Blockchain-based Federated Learning: A Systematic Survey}, 
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Qiao Xiang, Xi Chen, Xue Liu
  • [ACM CSUR] Edge-Computing-Driven Internet of Things: A Survey [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Kong, Linghe and Tan, Jinlin and Huang, Junqin and Chen, Guihai and Wang, Shuaitian and Jin, Xi and Zeng, Peng and Khan, Muhammad K. and Das, Sajal K.},
      title={Edge-Computing-Driven Internet of Things: A Survey},
      journal={ACM Computing Surveys},
      articleno = {174},
      numpages = {41},
      doi = {10.1145/3555308}
    Linghe Kong, Jinlin Tan, Junqin Huang, Guihai Chen, Shuaitian Wang, Xi Jin, Peng Zeng, Muhammad K. Khan, Sajal K. Das
  • [IEEE TITS] AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Duan, Yongshuai and Huang, Junqin and Lei, Jiale and Kong, Linghe and Lv, Yibin and Lin, Zhiliang and Chen, Guihai and Khan, Muhammad Khurram},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
      title={AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree}, 
    Yongshuai Duan, Junqin Huang, Jiale Lei, Linghe Kong, Yibin Lv, Zhiliang Lin, Guihai Chen, Muhammad Khurram Khan
  • [IEEE TITS] DeFLoc: Deep Learning Assisted Indoor Vehicle Localization Atop FM Fingerprint Map [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Lei, Jiale and Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Khan, Muhammad Khurram},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
      title={DeFLoc: Deep Learning Assisted Indoor Vehicle Localization Atop FM Fingerprint Map}, 
    Jiale Lei, Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Muhammad Khurram Khan
  • [IEEE TITS] PV-TSC: Learning to Control Traffic Signals for Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic in 6G Era [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Xu, Kangjie and Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Yu, Jiadi and Chen, Guihai},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
      title={PV-TSC: Learning to Control Traffic Signals for Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic in 6G Era}, 
    Kangjie Xu, Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Jiadi Yu, Guihai Chen
  • [IEEE TII] Blockchain Based Mobile Crowd Sensing in Industrial Systems [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Dai, Hong-Ning and Ding, Weiping and Cheng, Long and Chen, Guihai and Jin, Xi and Zeng, Peng},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, 
      title={Blockchain-Based Mobile Crowd Sensing in Industrial Systems}, 
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Hong-Ning Dai, Weiping Ding, Long Cheng, Guihai Chen, Xi Jin, Peng Zeng
  • [IEEE TII] Towards Secure Industrial IoT: Blockchain System with Credit-Based Consensus Mechanism [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Wu, Min-You and Liu, Xue and Zeng, Peng},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, 
      title={Towards Secure Industrial IoT: Blockchain System With Credit-Based Consensus Mechanism}, 
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Min-You Wu, Xue Liu, Peng Zeng
  • [ACM WWW'24] Advancing Web 3.0: Making Smart Contracts Smarter on Blockchain [pdf] [poster] [video] [bibtex]
      title={Advancing Web 3.0: Making Smart Contracts Smarter on Blockchain},
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Cheng, Guanjie and Xiang, Qiao and Chen, Guihai and Huang, Gang and Liu, Xue},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024},
      pages = {1549–1560},
      doi = {10.1145/3589334.3645319}
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guanjie Cheng, Qiao Xiang, Guihai Chen, Gang Huang, Xue Liu
  • [IEEE GLOBECOM'23] Relayer-enabled Sharding Blockchain for Satellite Internet with High Concurrency [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Tang, Hong and Huang, Junqin and Liu, Kai and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Cao, Shuangxi and Niu, Chuyan and Wei, Yufeng},
      booktitle={2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)}, 
      title={Relayer-enabled Sharding Blockchain for Satellite Internet with High Concurrency}, 
    Hong Tang, Junqin Huang, Kai Liu, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Shuangxi Cao, Chuyan Niu, Yufeng Wei
  • [IEEE GLOBECOM'21] A Privacy-Preserving Vehicular Data Sharing Framework atop Multi-Sharding Blockchain [pdf] [bibtex]
      author={Wang, Jingwei and Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Zhou, Dianle and Rodrigues, Joel J.P. C.},
      booktitle={2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)}, 
      title={A Privacy-Preserving Vehicular Data Sharing Framework atop Multi-Sharding Blockchain}, 
    Jingwei Wang, Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Dianle Zhou, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
  • [IEEE ICDCS'19] B-IoT: Blockchain Driven Internet of Things with Credit-Based Consensus Mechanism [pdf] [slides] [bibtex]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai and Cheng, Long and Wu, Kaishun and Liu, Xue},
      booktitle={2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)}, 
      title={B-IoT: Blockchain Driven Internet of Things with Credit-Based Consensus Mechanism}, 
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Long Cheng, Kaishun Wu, Xue Liu
Other Publications (Workshop/Poster/Book Chapter)
  • [ACM MobiArch'21] Learning-based Congestion Control Simulator for Mobile Internet Education [pdf] [slides] [video] [bibtex]
      title = {Learning-based Congestion Control Simulator for Mobile Internet Education},
      author = {Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Wu, jiejian and Liu, Yutong and Li, Yuchen and Wang, Zhe},
      year = {2021},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th ACM Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch '21)},
      pages = {1–6},
      numpages = {6}
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Jiejian Wu, Yutong Liu, Yuchen Li, Zhe Wang
  • [IEEE HotICN'18] Blockchain-based Crowd-sensing System [pdf] [poster] [bibtex]
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Lingkun and Kong, Linghe and Liu, Zhen and Liu, Zhiqiang and Chen, Guihai},
      booktitle={2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN)}, 
      title={Blockchain-based Crowd-sensing System}, 
    Junqin Huang, Lingkun Kong, Linghe Kong, Zhen Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Guihai Chen
  • [Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy] Outlier Discrimination and Correction in Intelligent Transportation Systems [pdf] [bibtex]
      title={Outlier discrimination and correction in intelligent transportation systems},
      author={Huang, Junqin and Kong, Linghe and Chen, Guihai},
      booktitle={Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy},
    Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen
💾Intellectual Property
Software Copyright
  • 黄俊钦, 孔令和, 黄刚, "BlockSense——区块链驱动的去中心化群智感知平台", 2023SR0715856, 2023-06-26
  • 黄俊钦, 孔令和, 黄刚, "基于多分片区块链的车联网安全数据共享系统", 2023SR0715857, 2023-06-26
Research on Multi-Party Data Right Confirmation and Sharing Technology for Intelligent Transportation (2022-2024)

To address the current problems of data quality, data validation, and insufficient security and privacy in data sharing of intelligent transportation, we explore the multi-party data validation and sharing technology of intelligent transportation based on blockchain. For data quality, a privacy data quality assessment technology based on zero-knowledge proof and homomorphic obfuscation is designed; for data validation, a blockchain data validation platform based on double signatures and Bloom filter trees is designed; for data sharing, a blockchain vehicle data sharing framework based on zero-knowledge proof and multi-sharding technology is designed, and a blockchain-based federated learning system is also explored to provide a secure model data sharing foundation.

Research on Trusted Communication Networking Technology of Satellite Internet Based on Blockchain (2022-2023)

In view of the current security and trust problems of satellite Internet in communication networking, this project proposes to carry out research on blockchain distributed and trusted communication networking technology for satellite Internet. This project focuses on three key issues: satellite network architecture, transmission efficiency, and trust assessment, and focuses on three aspects: blockchain cross-sharding mechanism, end-to-end transmission strategy selection and network node trust assessment mechanism under the multi-layer architecture of satellite Internet, to ensure that the demand of distributed blockchain satellite network with high reliability, low latency and zero trust is met.

  • Build a satellite-ground communication system on 东海一号 satellite (2022)
Microarchitecture-independent Characterization Analysis of Mobile Workload (2022-2023)

Based on the analysis of existing microarchitecture-independent features, we can further mine more valuable load microarchitecture-independent features, or mine more fine-grained information from existing microarchitecture-independent features and characterize them quantitatively, so that the quantitative values of feature performance can guide the microarchitecture design. The output of this project not only can guide the design of microarchitecture in hardware, but also in software, algorithm design, such as guiding the design of cache prefetching and replacement algorithm strategy exploration.

  • Research intern at Huawei (2023)
Research on Trust Mechanism of IoT Devices Based on Blockchain (2018-2019)

Existing central gateway-based IoT systems are vulnerable to single point of failure and malicious attacks and cannot provide stable services, while the decentralized, tamper-evident, and traceable features of blockchain offer the possibility to enhance the security of IoT systems. This project explores a lightweight blockchain based on the DAG structure and designs a credit-value-based proof-of-work mechanism for dynamically regulating the transaction rates of honest and malicious nodes to achieve a balance between system security and efficiency.

Invited Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers
  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems
  • IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  • IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
  • IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
  • IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
  • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
  • IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
  • IEEE Network
  • IEEE Computer
  • IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • IEEE Access
  • ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
  • Computer Communications
  • ACM Ubicomp/IMWUT 2021
  • EAI CollaborateCom 2022
  • IEEE ICDM 2023
TPC Member
  • IEEE Blockchain 2023 [link]
  • IEEE Blockchain 2024 [link]
  • IEEE ISPA 2024
  • IEEE VTC2020-Spring [link]
  • IEEE VTC2021-Spring [link]
Teaching Assistant
  • [CS154] Programming Design Ideas and Methods (C++), Fall 2019
  • [CS7341] Algorithm Analysis and Theory, Spring 2021
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